Cerro Azul – Darien – Torti – Gamboa – Summit Gardens – Pipeline Road – Metropolitan Park

This Panama birding package takes you to two main areas, the Canal Zone and Torti in Darien. Due to its location, Panama has a tropical environment and it has many typical Neotropical birds like toucans, mot-mots, wood creepers, ant-birds, cotingas, jacamars, tinamous and a plethora of tanagers, honeycreepers, parrots, tanagers and many more.

Tour Program (9 Days / 8 Nights)

Day 1: Arrival
Start with an evening orientation at your hotel. Night in Panama City.

Day 2: Cerro Azul and Darien
Visit Cerro Azul, where you will find among others the violet-capped Hummingbird. After this visit continue to Darien for a three night stay (B, L, D)

Day 3 - 4: Days in Torti
Torti is emerging as a globally renowned birdwatching destination. Its forested area serves as a crucial biological corridor connecting species from both the east and west, as well as the Pacific and Caribbean regions. Situated between lowlands and piedmont zones, the bird species list continues to grow annually. It includes various hummingbird species like the stripe-throated hermit, garden emerald, and black-throated mango; parrots such as Mealy, Brown-hooded, and Blue-headed; toucans like the yellow-eared and keel-billed toucan; Tanagers such as Golden-hooded and Sulphur-rumped; and rare, intriguing species like Black-faced and Black-headed Antthrushes, as well as Black-crowned and Streak-chested Antpittas.(B, L, D)

Day 5: Transfer to Gamboa Rainforest Resort
Transportation from Darien to the Gamboa Rainforest Resort. (B)

Day 6 - 7: Summit Gardens and Pipeline Road
This is an area rich in bird species, including 3 species of forest hawks, 16 species of hummingbirds, Chesnut-mandibled toucan, Great Jacamar, masked Tityra, Bright-Rumped Attila, Broad-billed and Rufous Motmots, Blue Cotinga, Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher, Brownish Flycatcher (Twistwing), Plumbeous and Semiplumbeous Hawks, Great Black Hawk, Black Hawk-Eagle, Crested Eagle, Green Shrike-Vireo, Short-tailed Nighthawk, Spectacled Owl, Black-chested Jay and many antbirds, woodcreepers, puffbirds and trogons. Mammals include Three-toed and Two-toed Sloths, White-faced Capuchin and Agoutis. Pipeline Road starts out in scrubby mature secondary tropical moist forest with patches of primary forest, eventually merging into primary forest. This legendary place ranks as one of the finest birding areas in the Neotropics.
Nights at Gamboa Lodge. (B)

Day 8: Return to Panama City and Metropolitan Park
Transportation to Panama City. Visit the Metropolitan Park, 260 hectares of Pacific dry forest, which hosts many interesting birds and mammals, including the Geoffroy’s tamarin monkeys of Geoffroy and Agoutis of Central America. Between the species you could see are: Lance-tailed Manakin, Rosy Thrush-Tanager, Orange-billed Sparrow, Blue-crowned Motmot, Rufous-and-white Wren and Green Honeycreeper and the opportunity to find the Yellow-green Tyrannulet. The park is famous for being very "birdy" and we should accumulate a lot here. Overnight in the city of Panama. (B)

Day 9: Departure
Your bird watching package in Panama ends this morning. The hotel will provide breakfast and transfer to the airport at the appropriate time, depending on each person's departure flights.


Reserve Package

Check availability and make a reservation:

    Personal information

    Package information

    Additional nights

    This Package Includes:

    All accommodations in Panama City, Gamboa Rainforest Lodge and basic accommodations in Torti.
    Meals mentioned.
    Ground transportation.
    Tour guide.
    All parks, conservation and entrance fees.

    Not included:

    Flights to and from Panama City.
    Travel Insurance.
    Items of personal nature.